Hi, I’m Andreas Zimmer,
Writer and Artist.

… and this is my journey.

Hey you! : ) Glad you’re here. I’d love to give you a little awesome experience.

You probably worked hard today so … I understand that. I got a stressful job, too. But do this little thing:

Take a deep breath for 3 seconds in … and let it out for another 3 seconds.

Feels good, right? : ) Now let’s get down to this. I am Andreas and I create music. I got a very cool day job and I can do way more things than music but … I just love to write stories. I love to create.

About me

I was born in a small town in Germany. I fell in love with music at a very young age. I learned to play piano and guitar, played in several bands.

And today … I still play live. Sometimes, when the gig is fun and I like the people!

But most of the time I’m in the studio creating music.

I learned about sync licensing not too long ago and since then I’m just cranking out as many emotional, high quality tracks as I can.

This job is giving me purpose. There are essentially two ways of making me feel content and happy: Playing live in front of people and creating something in the studio.

As much as I love to consume art and music, I love to create it. As poems, songs or in any other way. So, let’s not get lazy … and just create! : )